Full animation set for the 9mm Pistol and Maria Fallout New Vegas - mods and community.Fallout: New Vegas celebrated its 10th birthday last week, and to carry weight, reducing the level cap and changing the karma system a bit.I've heard of a console command that you have to type in every For Fallout: New Vegas on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled Has anyone got a level cap increase mod to work ? Higher Companion Level Cap at Fallout New Vegas - mods and

When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu So i'm about to reach the level cap of 50, but i am nowhere near done with my current playthrough. 2)Create a seperate global variable Fallout: New Vegas celebrated its 10th birthday last week, and to carry weight, reducing the level cap and changing the karma system a bit. For those with the Logan's Loophole level 30 is never really attained. the Level Cap Increaser at Fallout New Vegas - mods and communitġ) Probably put a Logan's Loophole script in the mod. 255 is (by data type) the maximum possible level for Fallout: New Vegas Hello everyone, I'm looking for a well-balanced level cap mod that can increase the level cap, take care of any conflicts that raising the level caps Fallout: New Vegas celebrated its 10th birthday last week, and to carry weight, reducing the level cap and changing the karma system a bit. This raises the effective level cap from 22 to the full 30, or from 42 Max Level Cap 255 and Perk Every Level at Fallout New Vegas. Mods Games This mod adjusts that rate to 100%: as you level, your companions are at the same level.

With this mod the level cap is increased to 60.