As opposed to +5 in all skills boosted, these mods give +7 and +6 to two skills respectively as well as overall boosted stats … What "Sane" means is that these codes are for modded class mods that are still allowed to enter the game through the check called the "Sanity Check". * Cheating/Modding/Glitching is far from petty. I'm anxiously awaiting Borderlands 2 this fall and I'm quite certain that the Game Developers have improved on their system to prevent modded guns from finding their way into the game.

However, almost every guy joins in the game at Level50 is wielding modded guns. Sometimes i even slightly down scale my gun's stat.

For me, its ok to mod some minor parts of a gun and it's important to maintain overall balance of a particular weapon being modded.

But when it goes too far, that'd be another story. Use a trainer and you will not have to try and bypass sanity check. Are there any shields out there for gibbed that are modded capacity or never die and weapons with super high damage that pass sanity check. how do I disable sanity check on BL2? please be kind in answer MODDED GUNS CODES :: Borderlands 2 General … sanity check BL2 - posted in General Borderlands 2 Discussion: Not very computer literate.The game has always ran what they called a "Sanity" check on the backpack that would automatically delete modded items because they had parts ….Some have more bullet multipliers then normal Manufacturer changes, paired with the right parts, give them special effects that they aren't normally able to have. On most of the guns, I use a manufacturer change and/or part removal. This is a database of all the different modded weapons/items I've created that pass the sanity check (patch that took hybrids out).Tutorial - MODDED WEAPONS/ITEMS THAT PASS … Borderlands 2 Modded Weapons That Pass ….Modded Gear Codes Thread - Post your stuff here.Modded Weapons? :: Borderlands 2 General ….Modded Gear codes that stick - Borderlands 2.Borderlands 2 Black Weapons Sanity Check ….still see modded gear in game that passes sanity ….borderlands 2 modded weapons that pass sanity ….Borderlands 2 Modding | Se7enSins Gaming ….Modded Weapons & Items that passes the Sanity ….Modded Items/Characters : Borderlands - reddit.Videos von Borderlands 2 modded weapons that pass sanity check.Borderlands 2 | The Sanity Check | Insane in the ….MODDED GUNS CODES :: Borderlands 2 General ….Tutorial - MODDED WEAPONS/ITEMS THAT PASS ….